To serve our Lord Jesus Christ and hope to answer His call to help any and all who are in need. We will aim to ease any burden that may plague our families in need within our community.
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself” Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.” Romans 13:9-10
To show our love of Jesus Christ through our selfless giving, servanthood, and sacrifice to the people we adopt. Through the power and work of the Holy Spirit our ultimate goal is to bring the lost within our communities around us to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
What We Do
We adopt local families in our community who are struggling physically, emotionally, financially, or spiritually and could use assistance. We adopt them by offering our assistance to help them overcome whatever burdens they may be going through. Undoubtedly, the people we are adopting and loving on will eventually ask us “Why are you doing this?” thus opening the door for us to share the gospel with them.
Ways to help the Ministry
Tier 1: Adopt a family
This would be a full commitment to adopt a family and take on any and all needs they may have. You would be the primary contact for them through the Ministry.
You would be responsible for contacting the head of the ministry if you are unable to meet any of the families' needs.
Tier 2: Co-Adoption
This would be a commitment of a group or multiple families to adopt a family in need and meet the needs they may have.
The group will be responsible for keeping in regular contact with each other regarding the needs of the family.
The group would be responsible for contacting the head of the ministry if they are unable to meet any of the families' needs.
Tier 3: Donate
Financial contributions
Donation of goods
Donate your time
Donate your God-given gifts
Carpentry, plumbers, electricians, mechanic
Cooking meals for families when needed
Watching children for low-income families
Tier 4: The Congregation
Christian counseling provided by the church
Church ministry grace fund
Continued prayer for our families