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Writer's picture: Faith LindenFaith Linden


Faith Church is blessed in so many ways. Our Heavenly Father gave His only Son to make a way for believers to be reconciled into a right relationship with Him and become adopted sons and daughters of the Most High King. He loves us, cares for us, knows everything about us. Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father (James 1:17).

Faith Church is also blessed by its many members and regular attenders. They joyfully serve, give, and minister to our body and our surrounding community. During this season of uncertainty, they continue to financially support the Kingdom work being done by God in and through Faith Church of Linden.


While this COVID-19 season has caused many things to change, there are fundamental truths that cannot change:

  • We don’t stop praising God because we can’t gather in a building to sing worship music.

  • We don’t stop talking with God because a pastor can’t pray with a gathered congregation.

  • We don’t stop learning from God because you can’t sit next to your friends for a sermon.

  • We don’t stop giving to kingdom work because the plate doesn’t pass in front of you.

  • We don’t stop loving others because you can’t give them a hug.

  • We don’t stop caring for others because you can’t enjoy companionship over a nice meal.


With that perspective, let’s view this extraordinary time as exactly that: a time for the extraordinary.

Maybe COVID-19 is being used by God to remind everyone that the foundational things of His church do not change. That they should not cease to happen simply because we can’t formally gather. That we are still called to be faithful. That we are still a chosen people, commissioned by God to love Him and love others, to shine His light, to proclaim His excellencies.


The family of Faith Church has truly shown their heart for God during these last several weeks. Not only has giving increased, but there are numerous accounts of church members and regular attenders stepping up to help those in need. The level of relational care and compassion has grown. A true unity is being forged and rooted among people that is glorious to behold.

Our faithfulness to God and His church will shine as a beacon to a lost and desperate world. Let’s continue to be faithful in worship, prayer, devotion, giving, loving and caring.

At least for now, this is the New Normal. This is an extraordinary time with extraordinary opportunities. Let’s meet these challenges together with enthusiasm and eagerly look to Him at all times.

It is up to us to remain faithful to GIVING.



Sunday School: 9 am

Sunday Worship Service: 10 am

Wednesday Evening Gatherings: 6:45 pm

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4518 Silver Lake Rd., Linden, Michigan 48451

(810) 735-9339

Committed to Community

We love our community and are committed to seeing the gospel spread throughout Linden and the surrounding area. We're happy to be here and join with other churches in the community to serve.

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