Dear FAITH CHURCH of Linden:
Join us as we REGATHER this Sunday, June 14th at 11 AM outside of our church building. If you are new to FAITH, our building is at 4518 Silver Lake Road -- Linden Michigan.
What a joy it will be to gather in Christ’s name and worship God together in person! We will have a simple service of song, prayer, the Word, and fellowship. God is in control of all things, including the weather, and the forecast looks beautiful!
Because of COVID-19 we want to be as careful as possible, recognizing that there are many perspectives and concerns. God calls us all to a gracious, gentle, humble, and put-others-first mentality. This is a great opportunity to serve one another as we reunite. We believe that meeting outdoors in the sun (Lord willing) is a safe option, giving us the ability to spread out (social distance). Bathrooms will be open, but we request that you try to keep those visits to a minimum.
Please bring lawn chairs or blankets for you and your family (we will have chairs available for those who need them). This is a unified church gathering; as such, we will not have a nursery or junior church, so it might be a good idea to bring toys, books, and snacks to help your little ones! It also might be helpful to bring some water bottles, as drinking fountains will not be operational at this time. We will provide parking spaces close by for those who wish to remain in their cars.
Please be in prayer for me and the church as we get ready for this joyful reunion.
Together by His grace,
Pastor Daniel